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A Typical Day At Millmoot's Little Boots

We start our day with breakfast for any that need it.

We then have a story and circle time to discuss what the children would like to do for the day. We may sing some nursery rhymes or have some free play in the playrooms before snack time.

We then pack away any of the toys we have finished with, wash our hands and sit at the table for a healthy snack.

After our snack, we put on our wellies to explore outside. We might play in the garden, go for a walk around the village or visit the animals on the farm!

At midday we eat a cooked lunch together at the dining table.

After lunch it’s time to get out quieter free play activities whilst we put the little ones down for a nap (Nap times are discussed and agreed with parents - we are flexible with this).

Once everyone is awake, we have time for time for one more activity, we may head back outside to the garden to make flower soup in the mud kitchen, or the children might prefer to stay inside and get out the paints, play dough or puzzles.  

It’s then time to tidy away the toys, wash our hands again and have a healthy snack.

We then say goodbye to some of the children and hand over to parents about the child's day.

For those children that stay a little later, we walk to the bus stop to pick up my big boys from school.

Finally, it’s time to unwind and rest after a busy day so we head to the sofa where we can read stories and talk about all the fun things we've done before everyone goes home.


Free play Activities Available Daily:

Drawing, painting, junk modelling
Musical instruments
Construction toys
Farm animals and play mat
Transport vehicles
Cosy corner available for reading & relaxing
Fancy dress
Imaginative play
Play shop area
Kitchen toys
Baby toys
Small World Toys
Mega blocks
Magnet tiles
Magnetic Tiles
Mud kitchen

Ride ons / Scooters / Trikes 
Climbing frame

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